Novaciéries turns a corner

1 rue de Saint-Etienne
42400 Saint-Chamond


Would you like to know what the future looks like? Well, it's at Saint-Chamond that it's happening! The most telling example is the Novaciéries neighbourhood. This derelict industrial site has certainly changed, you can see that.

Converted into an immense leisure area, with its brand new Véo Grand Lumière cinema, its restaurants, its shops and skatepark, the great hall has become the new favourite icon of the Couramiauds – that's another name for the Saint-Chamonais, which came about because it was said that they spent their time chasing after cats. Who knows exactly why... But in Saint-Cham', you can also find some impressive architectural symbols. You can visit the old Hôtel-Dieu, the churches of Saint-Pierre, Saint-Ennemond and Notre Dame or the Hôtel de Ville and its inner courtyard overlooking Nelson Mandela park. The town dear to Antoine Pinay and Alain Prost is constantly changing. Be warned, in Saint-Chamond, they live life to the full.

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