Church of Notre Dame

Place de la liberté
42400 Saint-Chamond


Built by Louis-Etienne JOURNOUD in the 19th century, the church is a compromise of Neo-Gothic and Neo-Byzantine styles. The front steps, gifted in 1889 by Madame Alamagne, were decorated in 1890 by two monumental lions sculpted by Louis Martin.

Inside, the altar and the pulpit are made from Carrara marble. The Organ (1883) by organ builder Michel Merklin is a carillon listed as historic furniture, this musical instrument was probably one of the first two carillons with electric traction in France.

The Place de la Liberté was originally a meadow belonging to the Priests of Saint-Antoine. In 1626, Melchior Mitte de Chevrières, lord of Saint-Chamond, abandoned the Church of Notre-Dame de Poncharra (15th century) to the priests as it had become too small, and in compensation, they gave him their meadow for the construction of a new building.

The gallery

Free of charge.
